Aaron Rodgers donating $1M to fire relief efforts

Rodgers, a native of Chico, California, took to social media Wednesday morning and announced he is donating $1 million to assist the relief process.

“As many of you know, the California wildfires have devastated countless communities,” Rodgers said in a video posted on Twitter. “In Northern California, where I was born and raised, the city of Paradise burned to the ground, and many of the residents that got out are now displaced in my hometown of Chico and across the north state.

“I personally reached out to my friends and the mayor of Chico to find out how to be of the most help, and raising money for both immediate needs and the long-term recovery is what’s needed most right now. This is why I’m partnering with the North Valley Community Foundation and donating $1 million to help with recovery and eventual rebuild of these communities.”

Rodgers added his long-time partner, State Farm, will donate $1 up to $1 million through the State Farm Neighborhood of Good program for every retweet of Rodgers’ original tweet until midnight ET on Sunday, Nov. 25. Rodgers asked that the hashtag #retweet4good on every retweet.

As of Tuesday evening, the wildfires affected an area up to 400 square miles and are responsible for 84 deaths with 870 missing people.